5 Features Your Logistics and Delivery Operations Manager Was Praying For!


The global logistics automation market had a market share of $50 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $150 billion by 2030. The boom in online orders has led to the undoing of traditional logistics and supply chain platforms. Pen and paper are no longer viable for delivery operations managers in the handling of orders at warehouses, hubs, stores, etc. As adapting to the latest technology is the key to survival, LogiNext came up with an ingenious logistics automation software. LogiNext Mile was developed to meet delivery operations manager expectations related to handling logistics requirements, right from inventory management to order returns. It offers features like marketplace integration, order auto allocation, route optimization, real time tracking, and more. Today, we shed light on some of the crucial features that go unnoticed to help your delivery operations manager with hassle-free deliveries.


Key features that should be available in every logistics management software


Geofencing- Wherever you need to set a defined area for your drivers to operate, geofencing will come to your rescue. Click on the area where you want your drivers to handle deliveries, select the boundary shape, and define the distance (in km.) for which a driver will be allocated orders. Geofencing will also help edit territory name, driver type, and delivery associates to ensure efficient fleet management. 


Geofencing- Logistics Management Software Feature


Suggest Trips For Assigning Orders– A route planning software will ensure all orders and trips are planned in the best way possible. However, if you want to assign a quick trip to missed orders, a “Suggest Trip” feature will be handy in ensuring the order is added to the existing trip/route. Some of the trip suggestions include- setting a trip start date, radius suggestion, branch considerations, delivery type, capacity constraints, and time constraints. 


Trip Suggestion- Logistics Management Software Feature


AWB Label Template Configuration- You can configure order templates as per order, crate, and item. A logistics management software should be able to configure multiple AWB (Airway Bill) label templates. You can also generate barcodes for the values in any data field you want such as order number, crate code, AWB number, etc. An HTML editor would be the key to editing the template and configuring the design layout of your AWB label.


AWB Label Configuration- Logistics Management Software Feature


Customer Chat- What better way to improve customer experience? than allowing customers to directly contact the delivery associate related to order fulfillment. Customers can reach the delivery associate from the tracking URL and inform details regarding the exact pickup/delivery location, assist with premises security, and enable quick and real-time communication. Similarly, a delivery associate can chat with the customer for which they are undertaking the delivery using a driver app.


Customer Chat Function- Logistics Management Software Feature


Driver Chat Function- Logistics Management Software Feature

Note- Customers can chat with the delivery associate until they receive the package/ cancel/ return the order and vice versa.


Trip History-  Once a trip is created, the operations team can get a complete view of the trip details, which would be classified as- 

  • Order Timeline: All the orders that the delivery associate needs to complete in a sequence as per the outcome of route planning will be showcased in a timeline view.
  • Trip Details: It showcases details related to the delivery associate, vehicle, driver, and start day of the trip.
  • Order Details: Get information about the number of orders related to the trip, number of orders canceled, missed, in-transit, and completed
  • List of Orders: This section will offer a complete overview of order numbers, order addresses, trips assigned, planned distance, ETA planned, ETA actual, and order status.


Trip Planning- Logistics Management Software Feature


Get all the above features when you choose LogiNext’s logistics automation software. We can help improve your operational efficiency and streamline your business logistics, whether it be from retail, eCommerce, F&B, transportation, or CEP. Click on the red button below to talk to an expert!



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