What is the use of tracking, if it’s not in real-time? A technology you should NOT ignore!


Technology is the main highway for businesses to run on now. Any hesitancy that you might have had earlier regarding adoption of technology has to go out of the window. The message is clear, “Get on with it, or get out”.


The world around is getting connected in ways that was never imagined before. The future has truly arrived and the future beyond this future looks brighter. The concept of business has, in general, seen consolidation to restructure around one concept, processing. It’s all about the processes now. Processing sales input, processing customer preferences, processing logistical operations, etc. seem more relevant than ever before.


Data Analytics has been here for a while now, and we have just started scratching the surface with our ‘processes’. However, the ‘processing’ is the hardest part of data analytics. Anyone can know about things, it’s knowing the significance of things that matters.


This is where the different processing software factor in to make our life easier. And if you are into logistics planning, the current future has never been more apt for you. Different technologies have caught up to solve many of your problems and streamline many of your operations.


“By connecting the previously unconnected, we create incredible potential for businesses to improve the speed and accuracy of decision making through the analysis and application of digital information. It enables dramatically faster cycle times, highly dynamic processes, adaptive customer experiences and, through the ecosystem of people and technology, the potential for breakthrough performance gains.”

Edzard Overbeek, Senior Vice President, Cisco


CISCO Peter Dinklage

CISCO Peter Dinklage


Real-time tracking has been the true game changer in this industry in terms of enterprise usage and integration. Read on to find the three run away hits in tracking technology.


From Horses to Humans, you can track everything in real-time


Workforce tracking technologies have been around for a while. Individuals on the field use their hand-held devices to log in project updates as and when they happen. It is just now that this process has done a back-ward integration to encompass almost all scheduling activities. This has been a game-changer, in particular, for the sales team. It has totally redefined how a sales manager chooses to handle his or her resources.


A sales manager, can at any time, check the status of his or her field sales force using the tracking technology to get real-time analysis of market conditions. Many organizations have adopted the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. This entails that the employees or sales workforce carry their own smartphones, and log in their activities through a centralized real-time tracking service provider.


The sales manager can assign and reassign personnel based on their location and ability. This process holds benefits for the sales team too. The app would give them real-time updates on traffic conditions so that they can plan their route accordingly. The bigger price lies, of course, in the data. Real-time tracking can function as a centralized platform to update the company database with client particulars. Perhaps the desired sale didn’t materialize, but the client has indicated that their next project would require more service providers. This information can be logged into the software and the sales manager can immediately assess the current market potential and future projections.

Lost in the pool of pin codes? Get Geo-codes



Geo-Fencing as the term suggests, is the process which involves creating a superficial fence around a particular region. Geo-codes are basically the enablers for the geo-fencing process. Imagine this, how would it feel to get notified whenever you vehicle crosses a border or enters the hub on-route delivery to a different city?or just to spice it up, what if you also have a track on the time delays due to extra detentions, and all this in real time?


Well, this definitely sounds interesting doesn’t it. With technological enhancements, Companies have a granular level of visibility on their Shipments. You can also have tracking dashboards installed in your vehicles which not only track your goods but also guide your delivery personnel. The device can show real-time climate and traffic scenarios and advice the best and fastest route of delivery. Suppose along with your transport or delivery route, you have a dozen more transport units on the road. With similar devices on each of the transport vehicles, you can track each unit as they cross their geo-fences.


100% satisfied customer is a Myth! They always want more



E-commerce has grown leaps and bounds in the past five years. According to Kotak Institutional Equities, the e-commerce market in India could reach $28 billion by 2020. According to Kunal Bahl, Chief Executive Officer of Snapdeal, about 100 million e-commerce buyers would come online in the next five years. Snapdeal has already initiated a re-branding and extensive marketing campaign to capitalize on these numbers.


Recommended Read: 10 Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs


All these buyers would be ordering a product online, and expecting a delivery. Consider even a quarter of the total buyer’s order together and you have around 25 million packages zipping around the country. The rupee value riding on these deliverables would itself be in a few hundred million. At some point, you would have to see the merit of last mile delivery system for your enterprise. If all your delivery boys were equipped with efficient real-time tracking systems, then it would result in a single multi-dimensional network of operations for your enterprise.


You would be able to plan your deliverables along the most efficient and cost-effective route. The real-time tracking technology would automatically re-calibrate delivery routes in light of unexpected developments, such as traffic congestion or a canceled delivery. You can bring a sense of consistency and reliability through your system which could be transferred to the consumer. As the market dynamics suggest, the e-commerce is a tough nut to crack, and having an efficient real-time delivery management system is like getting a sturdy hammer to help crack it open. And we haven’t talked about the returns for any packages.


Reverse logistics is an altogether different game which can only be mastered through the use of real-time tracking. Consumer deliverable have truly grown on a national level, integrating with it, most of logistical links around the country. In such a set-up, real-time tracking of personnel with proper vehicular tracking technology is the need of the hour.


It is obvious that after knowing all this, you will want more to grab on, it’s pretty human to want more. What if we tell you all these feature combined with a plethora of more such technologies are easily available for you to try? click on this link and get yourself a comprehensive Demo.

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